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How to Discover the Dream Career You Have Been Searching for

Step 1. Read on to discover how to quickly discover the dream career you are meant to have.

Step 2. Click the order button at the bottom to get started.

Learn How To Discover Your Calling Through Finding What You Are Meant To Do As Your Career.

The Career Profile Compass System guides you to find your dream career that is uniquely yours where you perform better than others.

Carmens Loh, Personal Transformation Consultant and Psychological Astrologer

If you are tired or sick of your job and you’re ready to embark on a meaningful career that not only suits you but it is one that you are created to do, then this program is your answer!

Does This Sound Familiar?

Because of the pandemic, you have lost your job. It is so difficult to find another job. You are open to try another career field.


Your job has been made obsolete. You realized that you need to get trained in another skill and you are considering what’s next.


You are in this career because of what you studied in school. You had chosen this field back then when you didn’t know any better. You invested lots of time, money and effort to get a paper qualification. You found a job but realized this is not what you love. Now you are stuck in this career. 

You hate your job or are bored with it. You want to get out of your job but you can’t connect the dots in your career path to move forward.

You want to start a business but you don’t know what business you should get into. 

You have to decide on the area of your major in college. But you don’t know what you want to do with your life.


Everyone is telling you to go into in-demand fields like digital marketing or IT. But you just have no interest in these careers.


You just wish that someone could advise you on your career path based on your strengths, skills, and passion.


Fear of failure. Fear of other people’s opinions. Fear of change. Low self-esteem. Impostor syndrome. Confusion. Many people are out of touch with their inner self and their desires.

With societal expectation and pragmatic concerns, it can take a long time to discover what career suits you. Most people never do, and just sell their soul as they live out their lives working for that paycheck.

For the career seeker, uncertainty is the problem.

Whether you’re choosing your major, or you are considering your career path, or you are thinking of starting a business, if you’re uncertain about your direction, you can potentially waste years of your life, money and efforts.


Let’s say you have decided on a certain career path. You invested thousands of dollars and years to study for that career. Along the way, you realize that you don’t really like what you are studying.

You wasted time, money and efforts in the course. To make full use of your qualification, you work in that career field. But you are unhappy and unfulfilled.

Now you have become cautious over making career decisions. Perhaps you have a few career options or business ideas. You do not know which one you should explore.

You know you have some strengths but you do not know how to put them to good use. You are unsure what other strengths you have.

You wonder if you can be successful and make a lot of money in the career you are considering.

You hope to have clarity!

Good News: There Is A Way To Figure This Out!

Starting today you can understand more about yourself incisively than you ever did.

People who know these techniques have gained such insights about themselves that they have become bold to live to their highest potential.

When you see your strengths and what you are called to do, you find the clarity and boldness in your career.

You can start to make clear decisions and start working in the direction of your dream career.

This happens when you cut down on your options, stay focused, and avoid getting distracted by shiny objects. You become unstoppable.

Introducing ...

Career Profile Compass

You are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery en-route to the uniqueness and greatest of what you--and only you--are called to do.

The Career Profile Compass program will guide you to discover how to identify your personality, inclinations, strengths, challenges, etc using astrology.

These are the methods and strategies that I have used on my high-paying clients to help them find clarity in their careers.

You Hold The Compass To Your Career Direction

With the uncertain job market and the pandemic worsening job prospects, it is important for you to take control of your own career. You can’t depend on corporations and the government for jobs.


You need to plan and construct your own pandemic-proof career.


Career Profile Compass will help you to discover yourself objectively, yet incisively, giving you the compass to find your direction in your career.


During this program you will find out what is unique about you. Once you have identified this, you can have clarity on what you can do that no one else is best suited to do.


Here’s the truth: you’ve wasted too much time, money and effort trying to prepare yourself for a career that you do not want. Are you going to waste more time, money and effort in the future?


You KNOW there is work where you can put your strengths to good use.


You KNOW you have unlimited potential.


You KNOW that you can fulfillment in your work.


Career Profile Compass is your guiding star.


And you will have clarity.


I am dedicated to the holistic development of my clients’ self-worth and fulfillment guiding them to create a life by design and not by default.


I guide you to evaluate your values, and career options so that you can make an informed choice in your career.


I can transfer these skills to you in 3 easy steps: Self-discover, Eliminate, and Construct!


I have guided my clients to work toward their dream careers.

Career Planning Is An Inside Job

It’s one thing to want to have a dream career. It’s quite another to figure it out.


Everyone would like to have a career they love so that they no longer have to work a single day of their lives. Unfortunately, most people will never come close. In fact, most trade their time for money, working to build other people’s dreams without ever having their dreams materialize.


This is usually because career decisions require clarity, and most people have too many “concerns” and a lack of self-knowledge to make the right career decisions.


Career Profile Compass (CPC) gives you the tools and techniques you need to gain clarity and be clear on what you want in record time.

We Do This In 3 Critical Steps:

Step 1: Self-discover

Typical Way: You fill up online profiling tests based on what you know about yourself. But you may not have an objective assessment of yourself and your strengths e.g. due to inferiority complex, past conditioning or fears which clouded your perception of yourself. Therefore, those test results are subjective. And how you perceived yourself has brought you to where you are now. It can’t bring you to your desired future.

CPC Way: Every person is born unique. The CPC program uses the ancient science of western astrology to give you an objective assessment of who you are based on the exact date, time and place of your birth. It reveals the trajectory of the life that you are meant to live so that you can have the greatest fulfillment. You will learn how to discover yourself, through astrology, incisively, in a way you have never done before and with objectivity. You will have an idea on your career trajectory. 

Step 2: Eliminate

Typical Way: A career coach looks at your tests results and discusses career options with you. The career coach is unable to uncover new information about you. The discussion is based on information that you already know about yourself. This is akin to someone taking your watch to tell you the time.

CPC Way: With the new information about yourself you have uncovered in Step 1, you will evaluate your career options and make a well-considered decision aligned with your criteria and certain considerations. No more wasting of time and money on shiny objects!

Step 3: Construct

Typical Way: The career coach provides you with advice and suggestions. You may or may not agree with the suggestions but money has already been paid for the service.

CPC Way: This is exciting! You get to fill in the specific details to construct and crystalize your dream career. You will be provided with advice on the way forward. Over time, you will grow and evolve. The greatest thing about CPC is that the CPC materials, and all the efforts you put into the program, will remain useful and relevant for your ENTIRE lifetime. You can review them again whenever you consider changing your career plan. You might gain new insights when you re-look at the CPC materials in the future.

Career Profile Compass In Action!

Hazel - Career Crisis

Your Dream Future Is Ready

Just imagine:

  • You have an objective understanding of your ideal career and can proceed to work toward realizing it immediately.

  • You know why you are in the career you have chosen, and feel a sense of assurance that you have made the right choice.

  • You understand more about yourself and know how to live your life in alignment for self-actualization.

  • You are able to define your niche that is customized to fit you.

  • You no longer have to do work that you have no passion for just because you don't know what else you should be doing.

  • You save yourself the regret of wasting 10-15 years of your life, studying for something you end up regretting, and having to pay off your education loans.

This Is What Happens When Confusion Is Cleared Away.

Career Profile Compass Is How It All Begins.

Here’s what you get:

  • 10 modules of step-by-step video training to identify your dream career (worth $2,500)

  • 12-month access to all modules (worth $500)

  • Smart reference guide and and workbook that remain relevant for your ENTIRE lifetime (worth $800)

  • Direct Access to a private Facebook group (Priceless)

  • Plus you get these Bonus Gifts worth $200

  • Bonus module on living your life for greatest fulfillment (worth $200)

  • Checklist to implement and fulfill your dream (Priceless)

  • So You Get Over $4,000 In Value Here.

    And when you factor in the intangible benefits of fulfillment and joy coming your way, it would be an easy decision for you to pay 4-figures for this program.


    Are you ready?


    Are you sitting down?


    Your investment in the Career Profile Compass program is just $247.


    What’s even better? You get a 1-year Money Back Guarantee!

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